Every family has a story.
For the Pace Academy family—our students, teachers, staff, parents, caregivers, alumni and friends—the story begins more than 60 years ago when an interfaith group of community leaders envisioned an intimate academic community that would prepare students to think big about themselves, about others and about the world around them.
It is not insignificant that our first classroom building, known today as “The Castle,” was once a home, for it remains so today. Our footprint has expanded and our family has grown, but Pace’s core values and commitment to excellence endure. We’d like to think that Pace today is exactly what our founders had in mind: a community of engaged, energized individuals committed to fulfilling our mission to create prepared, confident citizens of the world.
Over the decades, Pace has become a leader among independent schools while remaining focused on academic excellence and the development of the whole child, a community in which each student is known, loved and encouraged to live out Pace’s motto: “To have the courage to strive for excellence.”
Our mission is to create prepared, confident citizens of the world who honor the values of Pace Academy.
We create success through partnership with parents, students and faculty.
We are dedicated to developing the whole child.
We have respect for each other and our ideas, beliefs and diverse cultural backgrounds.
We think critically, embrace curiosity and develop global mindsets.
To Have the Courage to Strive for Excellence