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Lower School

Welcome to the Lower School!

The Kam Memar Lower School is a place of joy, purpose and belonging, where every student, teacher and parent is a welcome and important part of our community. Our youngest students enjoy extraordinary resources—people, programs and facilities—as they grow and become prepared, confident citizens of the world.

The faculty is the heart and soul of the Lower School, and our teachers are experts in how young children learn. The center of a student’s experience is the homeroom, where they develop a strong academic foundation and study habits as readers, writers, mathematicians and global thinkers. Teachers—two in every homeroom—design lessons for both whole-group and small-group instruction, meeting students at different levels of accomplishment with the appropriate amount of challenge and support. Morning meetings, closing circles and classroom contracts help students feel a sense of belonging to and responsibility for their classroom communities, and they learn to take increasing ownership of their learning.

Specialist teachers bring particular expertise and passion to their subject areas, allowing students to dive more deeply into STEAM—including Design Thinking, science, technology and art—as well as general music and strings, Spanish, library and physical education. They work collaboratively with the homeroom and associate teachers in the development of the whole child. Play is a vital part of every child's learning, and we know from experience that students learn better when they have free play during their time at school. Our students enjoy unstructured play time on the World’s Greatest Playground during daily recess, early morning drop-off and after-school Knight Crew. The Isdell Center for Global Leadership (ICGL), a signature program at Pace, is integrated throughout the Lower School curriculum and develops students’ empathy and curiosity as they engage with some of the most pressing issues of our time. Through asking questions and learning about an annual global theme, students come to understand that they can and do make a difference in the lives of others—in the Pace community and around the world. Most importantly, Pace students learn how to be good people. In the Lower School, we prioritize character education through the Noble Knights program. Students move on to Middle School as compassionate and thoughtful citizens, prepared for whatever lies ahead.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Pace Lower School!

Dorothy A. Hutcheson

Head of Lower School

Dorothy A. Hutcheson

Head of Lower School


Lower School Hours

7:55 a.m.–2:15 p.m.

Grades 1-5:
7:55 a.m.–3 p.m.

Knight Crew (Optional):
2:15 – 6 p.m.

Pre-First Sample Schedule

By the Numbers


Students in the Lower School


Classroom and special-subject teachers 


Percent students of color in the Lower School


Students in an average Lower School class

Lower School Curriculum

Having the courage to strive for excellence in the classroom starts early at Pace Academy. From their first day in the Kam Memar Lower School, students tackle intellectual challenges with curiosity and joy. Our accelerated learning environment encourages students to stretch themselves to think, question and take risks—understanding that true learning happens when children are motivated, happy and held to high standards.

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Noble Knights

Above all, we want to develop good people, and we know that when it comes to character, paying attention to the little things makes a big impact.

As a way of living out our mission, ”To create prepared, confident citizens of the world who honor the values of Pace Academy,” the Lower School weaves character education into all aspects of the curriculum.

Through our Noble Knights’ Pillars of Character program, students learn and practice the character skills of EMPATHY, CURIOSITY, COLLABORATION, RESPECT, LEADERSHIP and PERSEVERANCE. These skills are implemented as teachers establish class norms and guidelines. Through monthly lessons, class conversations, books, individual recognition, opportuni ties for school-wide community engagement, leadership and challenge, Pace students become Noble Knights.

Read More About Character Education

Support and Resources

Our Lower School is known for its engaging curriculum. We develop problem solvers and creative thinkers who are keenly aware of the world around them and strive to make it a better place. And while we set the academic bar high, we provide the support and resources necessary to ensure that our young learners achieve their individual goals.