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A Better Chance and Pace Academy

For decades, Pace Academy has been a proud partner with the A Better Chance (ABC) organization. We look forward to introducing your family to our school community!

Visting Pace

Families working with ABC may visit us at any point in our admissions calendar, October through February. ABC will officially refer scholars to Pace in late fall/early winter, but families need not wait until that referral process concludes and may schedule their visit at their convenience. 

To visit and learn more about our school and admissions process, create an account on Ravenna and join us for any of our events that work well for your family. 

Pace will also host an event specifically for our referred ABC scholars in January, with details to follow after ABC completes its referral process.

Applying to pace

Students applying through ABC may submit their application to Pace via EMA's Standard Application Online. While your family will not need to submit any application materials via Ravenna (Pace's main application), families must still create an account in Ravenna so that they can read about our admissions process and schedule visits, including a required on-campus interview.


Please contact:

De'ire Foxx

De'ire Foxx

Associate Director of US Admissions
Sarah Stewart

Sarah Stewart

Associate Director of MS Admissions
Mac McCallum

Mac McCallum

Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Ashley Stafford

Ashley Stafford

Admissions Database Manager