The Pace Academy education is unparalleled in every respect—and that is not by accident.
Since Pace’s founding more than 60 years ago, our community has had the courage to think big and, without hesitation, has generously stepped in to support excellence in every aspect of the school.
This generosity is evident every day at Pace: the unmatched quality of our faculty, our innovative curriculum and programs, and the exceptional settings where our children learn, create, play, explore, practice, compete and perform.
Your annual gift to the Pace Fund, Pace’s #1 annual giving priority, provides support for operations in the current school year, benefiting every student’s Pace experience. Pace Fund donors are able to designate their giving priority, choosing to support the area of greatest need or directing their gift to a specific program area, including academics, arts, athletics, professional development, financial aid or global leadership and community engagement.
Beyond the Pace Fund, our school community supports Pace in other meaningful ways. Participants in the Georgia Tax Credit Program support financial aid while receiving a state tax credit equal to 100% of their contribution. Pace families participate in periodic capital campaigns raising funds for specific, high-priority projects and undertakings. Some Pace donors arrange planned gifts or create endowed funds that support Pace’s mission and are tailored to their philanthropic goals and circumstances.
In addition, opportunities abound at Pace for volunteer and alumni engagement through the Parents Club, Arts Alliance, Booster Club and Alumni Association.
As we pursue our mission to create prepared, confident citizens of the world, we are grateful for the incredible culture of giving that has created the Pace our students enjoy today. Thank you for being part of our community and being willing to share your time, talent and treasure with the school.